jeetal shah

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Lekhny Story -30-May-2024

In the bustling city of Kolkata, where the streets are alive with the vibrant hues of culture and tradition, four friends—Raj, Vansh, Keya, and Dhruvi—shared a bond that was the envy of their college. They were inseparable, their laughter echoing through the corridors, a testament to their camaraderie.

One sweltering afternoon, as the monsoon clouds gathered in a symphony of impending rain, Raj and Keya decided to orchestrate a prank. Their target: the unsuspecting Dhruvi. With the precision of seasoned pranksters, they executed their plan flawlessly, leaving behind a trail of confusion and laughter.

However, the ripples of their mischief touched the shores of an innocent heart. Dhruvi, misled by the circumstances, cast the blame upon Vansh. Her words turned cold, her smiles vanished, and the silence between them stretched like the endless monsoon sky.

Vansh, a soul of pure intent, found himself adrift in a sea of unwarranted guilt. He pleaded his innocence to Dhruvi, his words earnest, his eyes a mirror to his truth. Yet, the wall of misunderstanding stood tall and unyielding.

Days turned to weeks, and the laughter that once filled their days was now a distant memory, replaced by the heavy air of sadness that hung around Vansh. The college, once a canvas of their shared memories, now seemed like a labyrinth of solitude.

As fate would have it, the truth, like the sun after the rain, emerged from behind the clouds of deceit. Dhruvi's eyes were opened to the reality of the prank, the innocence of Vansh shining clear as day. The realization dawned upon her, heavy as the monsoon rain, washing away the dust of her accusations.

With a heart weighed down by remorse, Dhruvi approached Vansh. Her apology was a whisper, yet it thundered in the silence of their estrangement. She spoke of her guilt, the guilt of having doubted an innocent soul, the guilt of having let a shadow fall upon their friendship.

Vansh, with the grace that had always been his nature, accepted her apology. The skies cleared, and once again, their laughter mingled with the winds of Kolkata, a testament to their restored bond. And in this story of innocence and guilt, they learned the timeless lesson of trust and forgiveness, a lesson that would guide them through the many monsoons to come.



06-Jun-2024 01:42 PM



Reena yadav

30-May-2024 09:33 PM

